Donovan & Michelle het Elope en so paar foto's op die strand kom neem...jis daai gesig van Donovan spreek BOEKDELE!!!
Die Tuinroete is die PERFEKTE plek om die knoop deur te haak, selfs stil stil en intiem tussen net die Bruid en is all about the Marriage, not the Wedding!
Have a look at this beautiful development in the center of George, surrounded by a wonderful meadow and to no surprise it is called The Meadows. Thanks to the developer Signatura, this new block will soon be home to many new families calling George and the Garden route their home.
Surprize verlowing shoot vir Zanel op Danabaai
Driaan se beplanning het lieflik uitgewerk net voor die groot rëen die Suid Kaap getref het en nie net het ons die wind en rëen ontglip nie, maar ons was bederf met `n asemrowende sononder. Alles wat mooi si vir julle twee op julle pad saam en mag julle hom hand aan hand aanpak!
Kirsten celebrated her evening with friends and family at the The Hawthorn Boutique Hotel in George. The evening was filled with beauty, from the guest attire, the venue, the food and not just beautyful, but delicious.
Carpe Musicam Orchestra kept the mood going white the guests enjoyed their meal and later the 360 Orbit Booth created some great fun and laughter.
Congratulations Kirsten and may there be many more Blessed years ahead.
This house is more a home, it has thoroughly been designed to be a Masterpeice of the architect, but a home that suites the intimate needs of the client. It is a steel structure home, yes steel structure and endless intricate details that is not always seen by all. The concrete finishes and flooring are all specialized and adds to the magnificence of the house. The living room designed to literally be an outside living area where you can enjoy the sunset over the ocean while the fire is burning or by opening the sliding doors, it is a warm room where you can read a book nexto the fire.
This is a little old news, but memories that HAS to be shared! Their wedding was due during Covid and with them and most of their guests having to travel from the UK the dates had to change a few times.
Looking back at many years and experiencing many weddings this was definitely one that will be stuck with me, the way they treated the suppliers, the consideration the care and the love they had for not only each other but the guests/family who experienced the day with them. There was soooo much to mention, but let me not bore you, rather enjoy the priceless memories...
Link to their couple...
Hierdie groot dag is `n dag van groot opwinding en skoliere sien jare lank uit na die afsluiting van hulle skoolloopbaan...wel ek het! Baie geluk aan Asia met haar groot dag, julle het asemrowend gelyk en elke oomblik was een van sports en vreugde!
Voorspoed vir die avonture wat vir jou voorlê.
Ek het die voorreg gehad om vir my niggie en haar man so paar foto's te kon neem op Danabaai. Ons het bietjie laat weggespring, maar te danke aan `n tipiese Suid Kaap sononder wat net nie einde kry nie kon ons nogsteeds oor genoeg oomblike vasvang!
Voorspoed vir julle 2 se pad en die nuwe uitdagings wat voorlê.
The wedding is just a day, the marriage is for life! How you share the day, the moment and the vows to each other is something to cherish. Make it your own and make every second count!
Lorin & Ava had their day, their way....and what a day it was!!!
Dis nie aldag dat 2 mense so mooi saamsmelt nie, die uitdagende taak om 2 verskillende persoonlikhede saam te laat funksioneer...maar soms is dit resultaat iets MAGICAL!!!
Baie geluk julle 2, koester mekaar versorg mekaar en pak die pad (wat soms vol uitdagings is) hand aan hand aan.
“Die liefde is geduldig, die liefde isvriendelik; dit is nie afgunstig nie, is niegrootpraterig nie, is nie verwaand nie.Dit handel nie onwelvoeglik nie, soek niesy eie belang nie, is nie liggeraak nie, hounie boek van die kwaad nie.Dit verbly hom nie oor onreg nie, maarverheug hom oor die waarheid.Dit bedek alles, glo alles, hoop alles,verdra alles.”
1 Korinthiërs 14: 4 — 7
This beachfront home has been recently renovated to is full glory, stylish and with all the comforts. Gym with a beach view and waking up to the musical waves in the morning.
Capturing some creative angles and lines for the Mere Group Architects in Hartenbos.
Mere Group34 Kaap De Goede Hoop AveHartenbosContact: 044 690
Jake had planned the surprise Engagement to the point...but things can go pear shaped VERY quickly! They walked all the way down to the hidden beach at Pinnacle Point and I was hidden in the bushes, they walked passed me and it was a close call to miss the big moment.
Congratulations to both of you and may you enjoy every moment of the wedding planning...Sheila did not waste a moment LOL!
Weddings have changed, will they ever "be the same again?" Do we want it to "be the same again?"
Taryn and Paul traveled with a few special friends and family all the way from Johannesburg to Boggoms Bay...and they were not disappointed. It could not have been a more perfect evening for Tarryn to walk down the dune to meet Paul on the beach. The most perfect evening was capped by a proper PARTY at the local Stoepsit, boy what a feast!
May your family always be as strong together and supportive towards each other, you have truly been blessed!
Venue: Stoepsit - Minnie van der Merwe...
Jou troudag moet sonder stress verloop of te wel met so min as moontlik, dit moet `n AANGENAME dag vir jou wees. Ek glo al hoe jy dit kan bereid is deur die dag te geniet soos hy kom, moet nie vir jouself `n "Fairytale" opdroom nie en geniet net die dag. Mariska het heelwat hulp van van Michelle gehad en met sulke bekwame hande aan die stuur van sake kon sy elke oomblik van die dag geniet! Julius en sy "Band of Brothers" het die dag `n FEES gemaak en ek glo die fees het nog tot LAAT aangehou!
Make-up en hare - Belinda Hougaard - 072 142 4395 - officer - Gavin...
2020 was vir almal TAAI, maar tog was dit vir my die jaar van kreatiweteit! Niks was normaal of dieselfde nie, besighede moes kreatief raak om te oorleef en so ook bruide. Elke trou was weer uniek & spesiaal, meer INTIEM en dit gaan oor die Huwelik en nie oor die Troue!
Ek wil graag vir Dusty en Leandri 10/10 gee vir hulle dag, julle het die vloei van die dag met gemak aangepak. Daar is altyd iets wat voorval en julle het dit met die grootste gemak benader en die vreugde van julle dag was DUIDELIK op julle gesigte sigbaar!
Daar was soveel wat vir my van julle dag uitgestaan het, die Happy...